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What is Media Relations?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Media relations is a popular public relations (PR) tactic. So much so that for many people it’s become synonymous with PR itself. If you read my article from a couple of weeks ago you know that this isn’t true but still the myth persists. PR has changed dramatically over the last decade but media relations remains a valuable piece of the puzzle for PR practitioners. Let’s look at what media relations is and why it’s important. Media relations The focusRead More »What is Media Relations?

What is Public Relations?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Several months ago I was speaking to a non-profit that I was working with. I asked the question, “What do you think public relations is?” I got some silence and some shrugs before somebody gave me an answer, “Relating to the public?” That would make sense but it’s not that simple nor is it right. Through the years I’ve had many conversations with people outside of the Public Relations (PR) profession. There usually confusion about what PR is and whatRead More »What is Public Relations?

What is the Difference between PR and Media Relations?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Public relations (PR) and media relations are almost synonymous in the eyes of many. It’s not hard to understand why. For decades PR practitioners worked primarily to secure media coverage for clients. Yet, PR and media relations are not the same. Let’s take a closer look. Public Relations If you read my last post, you know that PR is a business process that works to build relationships with your customers. It’s a strategic process. We determine where the audience isRead More »What is the Difference between PR and Media Relations?

Public Relations: What to Know

Reading Time: 4 minutes Public relations(PR) is an often misunderstood profession. To those who don’t like it, its filled with sleaze merchants peddling lies. To those who do, it’s a vital part of doing business. The quote I heard most as a student was by Bill Gates, “If I was down to the last dollar of my marketing budget I’d spend it on PR!” There is a certain validation that one of the most successful businessmen the world values PR. While Mr. Gates quoteRead More »Public Relations: What to Know

Down with the Media Impression

Reading Time: 2 minutes I remember sitting in my first PR class. It was several weeks in and we were talking about measurement. There was a concept that was introduced to me called  the media impression. If there was a video of me during this discussion you would have seen my face develop an expression that can only be interpreted as incredulous. I had come back to school after working at one of the largest tech companies in the world. There was always aRead More »Down with the Media Impression

Project Planning to PR Success

Reading Time: < 1 minute Prior to my journey into PR, I worked for a technology firm as a Human Resources (HR) Generalist. One of the many skills I learned while at this firm was project management. Sure, I had worked to solve problems in prior positions, but never in formal way such as developing a plan, determining stakeholders, and setting a budget that project management required. Why do I bring this up? I mean doesn’t seem to have anything to do with PR, does it?Read More »Project Planning to PR Success