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Is Your Marketing Connected?

Reading Time: 5 minutesThis is from the January 2025 Mighty Messenger newsletter. If you enjoy it, consider subscribing here. I use the same planning process for myself that I do for clients. Because I know it well, it takes me less time to get through it than if I were walking a client through it. It’s not a bad thing, but over the last couple of years, I rushed through it faster than I should have. I’ve advised that each piece of yourRead More »Is Your Marketing Connected?

Are Marketing Shortcuts A Folly?

Reading Time: 6 minutesAt some point or another you, like me, have likely searched for a tip, trick, or tool to save time. Saving time is a good thing right? After all, there are only 24 hours in a day and you have to balance between work, family, friends, hobbies, and sleep. There are those that will tell you that there aren’t any marketing shortcuts. Others will tell you that there are a multitude of marketing shortcuts that you can potentially use. NotRead More »Are Marketing Shortcuts A Folly?

Return on Investment

Are You Getting a Return on Investment on Your Marketing?

Reading Time: 6 minutesReturn on investment (ROI). It’s something you expect to hear when you invest your money in stock, bonds, or mutual funds but not necessarily when it comes to your marketing. For many, marketing is just another cost of doing business. Costs don’t tend to give you a return. You’ve likely never bought a twinkie and woke up the next morning to find that one twinkie became two overnight. If this does happen, I would highly recommend not eating either becauseRead More »Are You Getting a Return on Investment on Your Marketing?

The War Against Owned Media

Reading Time: 9 minutesSocial Media never turned into the silver bullet that it was hyped to be but it has made an impact and it’s been sizable.  One of the biggest is the impact on our behavior. This extends to the business world as well. Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat have been working to make it easier for people to shop directly from the app, and businesses that are looking for an easy way to get customers are taking the bait.  It’s hard toRead More »The War Against Owned Media

Are You Including These 4 Pieces in Your Marketing?

Reading Time: 6 minutesSometimes it takes a crisis to force you to step back and look at things. It’s not the best way to do it. You should really be taking a step back on a regular basis. 2020 was a year that forced me to stop look at what I was doing and what I was about. Even bigger, what was my agency about?  Big questions to contemplate but it was good. I always start with the big picture and then startRead More »Are You Including These 4 Pieces in Your Marketing?

No, Influencers Aren’t New But Their Reach Is

Reading Time: 7 minutesInfluencers are everywhere but this isn’t a new thing Influencers.  You have them. I have them. They are everywhere. The rise of social media and YouTube means that anybody with an internet connection can attempt to be an influencer.  The times have changed from when I was growing up. According to a recent study, kids want to be social media influencers more than they want to be president, a star athlete, a pop star, or even a movie star.  WhatRead More »No, Influencers Aren’t New But Their Reach Is

Is the Marketing Funnel Still Relevant to Modern Marketers?

Reading Time: 6 minutesThe marketing funnel has been around for ages but times have changed and customers are changing with them. Does the marketing funnel still have a place in your marketing and communication strategy? Read any topic related to marketing and it’s not uncommon for the marketing funnel to find its way into the conversation. It shouldn’t come as a surprise as the marketing funnel has long been considered a valuable tool. As times have changed, people have changed with it. TheRead More »Is the Marketing Funnel Still Relevant to Modern Marketers?

Should You Focus On Brand Loyalty or Brand Affinity?

Reading Time: 7 minutesBrand loyalty and brand affinity. These are two ideas marketers and public relations (PR) people love to talk about. Well, maybe the talk is more about brand loyalty but brand affinity hasn’t been left out in the cold. More marketers talk about brand affinity all the time and with good reason. Consumers have changed over the years. They have also become savvier as more are interested in a brand’s actions and what it stands for. This means there are aRead More »Should You Focus On Brand Loyalty or Brand Affinity?