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Are Marketing Shortcuts A Folly?

Reading Time: 6 minutesAt some point or another you, like me, have likely searched for a tip, trick, or tool to save time. Saving time is a good thing right? After all, there are only 24 hours in a day and you have to balance between work, family, friends, hobbies, and sleep. There are those that will tell you that there aren’t any marketing shortcuts. Others will tell you that there are a multitude of marketing shortcuts that you can potentially use. NotRead More »Are Marketing Shortcuts A Folly?

Return on Investment

Are You Getting a Return on Investment on Your Marketing?

Reading Time: 6 minutesReturn on investment (ROI). It’s something you expect to hear when you invest your money in stock, bonds, or mutual funds but not necessarily when it comes to your marketing. For many, marketing is just another cost of doing business. Costs don’t tend to give you a return. You’ve likely never bought a twinkie and woke up the next morning to find that one twinkie became two overnight. If this does happen, I would highly recommend not eating either becauseRead More »Are You Getting a Return on Investment on Your Marketing?

Are You Including These 4 Pieces in Your Marketing?

Reading Time: 6 minutesSometimes it takes a crisis to force you to step back and look at things. It’s not the best way to do it. You should really be taking a step back on a regular basis. 2020 was a year that forced me to stop look at what I was doing and what I was about. Even bigger, what was my agency about?  Big questions to contemplate but it was good. I always start with the big picture and then startRead More »Are You Including These 4 Pieces in Your Marketing?

How Do You Be A Thought Leader?

Reading Time: 8 minutesYou should a thought leader.  How many times have you heard that? If you’ve read as many articles on marketing and communication as I have, you’ve heard it plenty. This isn’t even counting the webinars, videos, podcasts, and books that bring it up.  It’s funny how often this advice is thrown out. What tends to lack is much information on how to actually do it.  Write a blog. Have podcast. Get your articles placed in the media.  All this canRead More »How Do You Be A Thought Leader?

Not All Change is Equal

Reading Time: 9 minutesSometimes a change has so little impact that it’s insignificant while other times it can completely change the world The changes forced on us over the past year have been hard. It’s been difficult to adjust to a new reality but is the change we’ve seen something bigger? Despite the fact that many thought leaders have proclaimed that there have been many big changes that will continue to impact us post-covid, I’m not so sure. It’s easy to prognosticate. It’sRead More »Not All Change is Equal

Stop Treating Transparency as an Enemy

Reading Time: 9 minutesTransparency shouldn’t be scary. It’s a vital part of your business. Transparency sometimes feels like one of those buzzwords that people advocate but don’t always practice themselves. Why is that? Is it because it’s radical candor that could get you in trouble? Or maybe it could mean that your trade secrets are released into the wild for your competitors to exploit. It could be these two things and more but transparency isn’t your enemy and it shouldn’t be scary. ThereRead More »Stop Treating Transparency as an Enemy

Doing Research Will Supercharge Your Marketing

Reading Time: 6 minutesIf you want to improve your marketing start doing your research What enters your mind when you think of research? Is it people in white coats with microscopes and beakers like the picture above? When I think of research I often think of when I was in college and sitting in the library pouring over academic articles I might use as part of a paper I was writing. The fact is research is much more than either of these twoRead More »Doing Research Will Supercharge Your Marketing

5 Things to Consider Before You Build a Community

Reading Time: 9 minutesAn online community can help build relationships and affinity but before you start to build there are some things you need to consider. There are many ways to help build your brand and community has found its way to the top of that list.  It makes sense. Community is great way to connect with people, build relationships, share ideas, build affinity, and even create leads for your business.  With this in mind, it comes as no surprise that many marketingRead More »5 Things to Consider Before You Build a Community