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What is top of the funnel marketing?

What Is Top Of The Funnel Marketing?

Reading Time: 8 minutesIn marketing articles, I often see the terms top of the funnel content, middle of the funnel content, and bottom of the funnel content. What exactly is this about? More importantly, why should you organize your content in this way? This is going to be the first of four articles focusing on each of these areas. The fourth article will be on what I call through the funnel content which is often missed by organizations. As I go through eachRead More »What Is Top Of The Funnel Marketing?

Should You Be Planning For The Future?

Reading Time: 6 minutesMany days when I wake up I feel like I’m living in some crazy alternate timeline. The last couple of months have been interesting to say the least. Any semblance of what we knew as normal in January still seems like a long way off. As some states have started to slowly re-open their economies, the question for businesses has become what does the future look like? Planning for the future has become a big topic in my email boxRead More »Should You Be Planning For The Future?

control marketing

Are You In Control of Your Marketing?

Reading Time: 5 minutesThere is more information available to you right now than at any time before in human history. This is a great thing but it also comes with some responsibility. With so much information you have to sift through it to determine what is right for you. This can be difficult. Not every piece of advice that you see is going be right for you. I write this blog as an informational resource. It’s meant to answer questions you may haveRead More »Are You In Control of Your Marketing?

Strategic Plan

Times Are Crazy But You Still Need A Strategic Plan

Reading Time: 5 minutesIf you are a regular reader of this blog, you know that I am a strong advocate of having a strategic marketing plan but when the world suddenly becomes chaotic, it can be easy to dismiss having a plan. When your not sure where the world is going and what the new normal might be, what good is a plan? While it can be easy to decide that a strategic marketing plan couldn’t possibly offer any benefits when your notRead More »Times Are Crazy But You Still Need A Strategic Plan

8 Books That Will Boost Your Game

Reading Time: 4 minutesThe last several weeks have felt more like several years. Like you, I’m still adjusting to the new normal that has arisen in response because of COVID19 The one thing I do know is that the future isn’t what any of us thought it would be. There are two ways to deal with it. The first is to grieve the loss of the future we were building and the death of the normalcy we once knew. There is no avoidingRead More »8 Books That Will Boost Your Game

It’s Not Business As Usual

Reading Time: 3 minutesLife isn’t normal right now. Everything feels uncertain. If you need some advice on marketing/public relations or if you just want to pick my brain, I’m here for you. Don’t be afraid to reach out. In the meantime, I’m going to share some resources that I hope you will find as useful as I have.

With The Health Crisis, Should You Suspend Your Marketing?

Reading Time: 6 minutesThe last week has been like something out of a movie. We are certainly living in uncertain times right now. Like many of you, I’ve been wondering what’s next.  In December, when I was planning for 2020, part of that process was a SWOT analysis. I didn’t have a pandemic as part of the possible threats for the year. It never really entered my mind. Recession, yes. Pandemic, no.  It felt necessary to stop the articles I’ve been writing aboutRead More »With The Health Crisis, Should You Suspend Your Marketing?


Are You In Alignment With Your Marketing?

Reading Time: 5 minutesThere are two pieces that are always prevalent to bring marketing and public relations into alignment: strategic planning and execution. Both need the other before you can truly see results. I’ve never found anybody who disagrees with this but recently I’ve realized there is a third piece to this puzzle. It’s a piece that I rarely see talked about if at all. When it’s there it can make all the difference but when it’s not it can be like plantingRead More »Are You In Alignment With Your Marketing?