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Learning Mindset

A Learning Mindset Is An Important Key To Success

Reading Time: 6 minutesI would love to know everything there is to know about digital marketing and public relations but it’s impossible. If nothing changed I might have a shot but that’s the problem. The world is constantly changing and this means that the knowledge we need to live in it is constantly changing as well. Even a small change can cause ripples that have a large impact. This makes learning a necessity. If I was still walking around with the same knowledgeRead More »A Learning Mindset Is An Important Key To Success

Do Prospects Know Who You Are?

Reading Time: 5 minutesAt some point, every company was started because there was a vision. This vision could have been powered by something such as a product idea, as was the case with Apple. Or maybe, this product existed but there was a falling out at a previous company such as was the case when Intel was founded. There could be all sorts of reasons but the bottom line was there was an underlying reason that the company was started. That reason shouldRead More »Do Prospects Know Who You Are?

What Can We Learn About Marketing Communication From Rush?

Reading Time: 5 minutesThere are experiences and wisdom that can be applied regardless of the profession. As a former drummer, I have always found inspiration from musicians. It’s a small list who I’ve looked to over the years to see what knowledge I could cull but Neil Peart, the legendary drummer of Rush, and his bandmates were on that list. When I got a message from a friend telling me Neil had died, it hit me harder than I would have thought. IRead More »What Can We Learn About Marketing Communication From Rush?


Execution Should Be Part Of The Plan

Reading Time: 5 minutesExecution is the difference between good results and great results. You can have the best plan in the world but if it’s not executed properly you won’t get the results that match. In fact, you could get mediocre results from a really well-designed plan. Implementing a plan requires a completely different skillset. This can be why strategic plans don’t see the light of day after they are created. A plan can be intimidating. It has all these different components thatRead More »Execution Should Be Part Of The Plan

strategic marketing plan

You Need a Strategic Marketing Plan

Reading Time: 6 minutesThe beginning of the new year always feels new. Like we are starting with a blank slate. It’s the time where we like to reset. We create goals but we have a hard time hitting them if we even hit them at all. Why is that the case? Most of the time it’s because we don’t have a plan. We count on the fact that our willpower can carry us to our desired result. Desire is great but it’s notRead More »You Need a Strategic Marketing Plan

Forget Predictions, Here are Some Suggestions for 2020

Reading Time: 4 minutesFor the last month, I’ve seen many articles that have focused on predictions for 2020. I’ve even attended a couple of webinars with this theme. Most of the predictions I saw were pretty well thought out. The best “predictions” I have seen were based on trends that have been happening through 2019. It makes them less of a prediction and more of an observation. Though the temptation is great because this is my last post of the year to giveRead More »Forget Predictions, Here are Some Suggestions for 2020

The Death Of Organic Reach On Facebook

Reading Time: 5 minutesThere was a time when social media seemed magical. It was going to be a way for us to cut through the barriers and talk directly to our customers. It was going to level the playing field. Facebook opened up its platform to businesses the promise of social media seemed possible. It wasn’t just hype. Then Facebook changed. Well, nothing stays the same forever. Like death and taxes, change is inevitable. Last week I talked about four Google trends thatRead More »The Death Of Organic Reach On Facebook

Your Not Done Planning Until You Have Rocks

Reading Time: 4 minutesIt’s that time that we should all be planning for the new year.  In early October I wrote a couple of articles that talked about different pieces of the planning process. They focused on things that you need to know about your organization before you can plan the tactics that you need to meet your goals and objectives.  One article talked about the SWOT analysis which is strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The other talked about where you wanted yourRead More »Your Not Done Planning Until You Have Rocks