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Perspective: Your greatest weapon

Reading Time: 5 minutesLooking at thing differently is important. The above picture is of the Space Needle. It’s from a different perspective. The pictures we are used to seeing show it as part of the Seattle skyline but this was my view standing under it. It’s still the Space Needle, it’s just not the way we are used to seeing it. Most organizations have best practices to help us do the right things right. Once we have them it’s easy to rely on them.Read More »Perspective: Your greatest weapon

Marketing Communication: What should you be measuring?

Reading Time: 4 minutesIn my last post, Marketing Communication: A Quick Guide, I brought up measurement multiple times and with good reason. If you’re not measuring what you are doing, you have no way of knowing if it is working or not. While there are many things we can measure, I’m going to focus on only two areas in this article: your website and social media. You likely have a website and are publishing content on a regular basis which you’re then promotingRead More »Marketing Communication: What should you be measuring?

Marketing Communication: A Quick Guide

Reading Time: 12 minutesMarketing communication has changed dramatically over the years. There was a time when we had fewer options. You could run an advertisement or have a special event to get attention and cultivate leads. It’s not like that anymore. Sure you can still do those things but only doing those things is kind of like bringing a ten-speed bike to a drag race against a Dodge Charger. You will have shown up but it’s pretty obvious the Dodge Charger will win.Read More »Marketing Communication: A Quick Guide