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Integrated Marketing Communication

Integrated Marketing Communication is the Present and Future

Reading Time: 8 minutesHave you ever heard of integrated marketing communication? It’s not a hot new idea. In fact, it’s a concept that has been around for a long time but didn’t get much attention from marketers until the 1990s. At its most basic, the idea is to have consistent messaging over multiple marketing channels. It may sound easy but there are many challenges and it’s not just understanding how the different channels work. It could be the way your company is structuredRead More »Integrated Marketing Communication is the Present and Future

What’s On My Mind As We Enter 2022

Reading Time: 4 minutesHere we are in 2022. It’s been an interesting couple of years, to say the least. It’s delivered some challenges that I bet you never expected. I certainly didn’t. I feel like I’ve been running the gauntlet for the last two years and am now limping into the new year. It appears I’m not the only one. Many of the newsletters that hit my inbox towards the end of 2021 had a hint of somberness to them which was unexpected.Read More »What’s On My Mind As We Enter 2022

Marketing Predictions

Four Unnerving Predictions For Your Marketing in 2022 (And How To Avoid Them)

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe year is winding down which means the marketing predictions articles are winding up. These are the articles where a bunch of smart people guess what will happen over the next year in the world of marketing and communication. I’m not going to lie. I read my fair share and while they are interesting they aren’t really that helpful. Not unless the main goal is entertainment. These types of articles really have more in common with visiting a fortune tellerRead More »Four Unnerving Predictions For Your Marketing in 2022 (And How To Avoid Them)

Video: Four Issues That Will Derail Your Marketing

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe following transcript has been generated for your reading pleasrue. Please reference the video to insure its accuracy. Introduction Hello, and welcome. My name is Shane and today I going to talk to you about four issues that can derail your marketing before it ever gets started. Let’s get going. Confusing Tactics For Strategy This one doesn’t surprise me much as most of the marketing information out there focuses much more on tactics. It’s those things such as how toRead More »Video: Four Issues That Will Derail Your Marketing

6 Must-Read Email Newsletters

Reading Time: 10 minutesPlus 6 more you should check out. Like many things in marketing, the email newsletter has been pronounced dead. I beg to differ. I believe the people who have made this proclamation are trying to be either provocative or appear trendy. There is a third alternative that I typed out but it seemed kind of mean so I took it out. I’ll let you guess what it was. I get a ton of emails. I’ve never stopped and counted butRead More »6 Must-Read Email Newsletters

Always-on Marketing

Are You Using Always-On Marketing?

Reading Time: 6 minutesAlways-on marketing isn’t a new concept but it is one that is often overlooked. The question is why? Maybe it’s because, like many of you, I like the big splashy idea and it’s something that a marketing campaign loves to throw at us. There is more to marketing than this and big splashy ideas don’t grow on trees. Even they did, what appeals to you and what appeals to your potential customer are likely not the same. We really needRead More »Are You Using Always-On Marketing?


Why Do You Need a Strategic Marketing Plan?

Reading Time: 18 minutesA strategic marketing plan is important to your marketing and public relations (PR) efforts. Marketing isn’t selling. It creates awareness, interest, informs people about your business and its products and/or services while also building affinity and trust. These are all important aspects that need to happen before somebody is willing to do business with you. A strategic marketing plan is a guide that helps you do all things I mentioned so you can get the results you want for yourRead More »Why Do You Need a Strategic Marketing Plan?


Sales Needs Content Too

Reading Time: 6 minutesIt’s hard to market without content. It’s no small wonder that they are joined at the hip. Content isn’t just for marketing. It can play a role in other areas of your business. Well, that is if you let it. After all, the world doesn’t revolve around marketing. It just feels that way. Like the child who wants to watch Star Wars for the 103rd time in the last month, it can be easy to forget there are other optionsRead More »Sales Needs Content Too