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Transparency is Essential To Your Success

Reading Time: 7 minutesTransparency is one of those buzzwords people like to talk about but don’t necessarily like to implement. Frankly, I’m not surprised by that. Like everything else this is a choice. There is a certain amount of courage that is needed to be transparent. It feels like sharing your secrets with people and waiting to be judged which can be uncomfortable. If that’s the way you look at it, you won’t transparent. In fact, it’s more likely that you will beRead More »Transparency is Essential To Your Success


Three Lessons from Eddie Van Halen That You Can Apply To Marketing

Reading Time: 6 minutesEddie Van Halen has been considered one of the top guitarists in rock history since early in his career but what does that have to do with marketing and public relations (PR)? Turns out much more than you might realize. I wasn’t going to write this post originally and but I’ve consumed with Van Halen since Eddie’s unexpected death. Van Halen was one of my favorite bands growing up as they are now and Eddie’s guitar wizardry never fails toRead More »Three Lessons from Eddie Van Halen That You Can Apply To Marketing

Integrated Marketing Plan

Integrated Marketing Plans: Why Do They Get The Best Results?

Reading Time: 9 minutesI really like integrated marketing plans and for good reason. They perform better. But why? That’s a good question but we are jumping ahead. Let’s take a step back first and get on the same page. First I’m going to talk about what integrated marketing is and then we will get into planning. I’m also show you some examples of how integrated marketing plans work. Once you start thinking about planning from a perspective of integration, it’s hard to go backRead More »Integrated Marketing Plans: Why Do They Get The Best Results?

social construction marketing

How Is Social Construction Impacting Your Marketing?

Reading Time: 6 minutesSocial construction impacts everything you do. Even your marketing. There are many different communication theories and ideas that guide me on an everyday basis as I do my job. One of the most important is social construction. It impacts our lives in every way on a daily basis. It’s even going to impact the way you feel about this blog post but don’t take my word for it. Read on to find out why. What Is Social Construction? Social constructionRead More »How Is Social Construction Impacting Your Marketing?


Now Is The Best Time For Innovation

Reading Time: 8 minutesInnovation is something that is easier to talk about than actually do. To innovate, you need to be willing to take embrace risk. It’s not something that most are willing to do in the world of marketing and public relations (PR). When is the best time to get started doing that task you need to get done? Now. The same applies to innovation. The best time for it isn’t later but now. I’ve read articles over the last several monthsRead More »Now Is The Best Time For Innovation

brand affinity

What Is The Importance Of Brand Affinity?

Reading Time: 5 minutesAbout a year ago I was watching an interview with Rand Fishkin, the founder of Moz and more recently Spark Toro. He started talking about affinity and how a tactic they started using created a huge amount of brand affinity. Brand affinity wasn’t something I’d considered up until I saw this interview with Rand. I read a ton of articles during the course of the week about digital marketing and public relations. I rarely see anything talking about brand affinityRead More »What Is The Importance Of Brand Affinity?

What Is Paid Media?

Reading Time: 10 minutesLet’s talk about paid media. It’s not popular with people because it’s intrusive but this doesn’t stop organizations from running ads. Billions of dollars are poured into digital ads every year. While most might people think of television when they think of ads the truth of the matter is that Google and Facebook are the true behemoths of the ad industry. In the second quarter of 2020, which was thrown into chaos by COVID-19, Facebook made $18.3 billion in ad revenueRead More »What Is Paid Media?


Should You Invest In Hiring An Agency?

Reading Time: 4 minutesLet’s face it, hiring an agency is a big deal. Determining whether it is a good investment is a critical question when making the decision to hire somebody or to do it yourself. I’ve seen articles that make the case that one should never hire somebody to do any public relations (PR) or marketing work. The reasoning always comes down to money and the advice the same: Save your money and do it yourself. I like saving money where IRead More »Should You Invest In Hiring An Agency?