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What Marketing Skills Do You Need for 2021 and Beyond? Part 3

Reading Time: 9 minutes This is the final stop in our series on the marketing skills that you need for 2021 and beyond. Before we get into the final three marketing skills, I’m going to do a quick review of what’s already been covered. In the first article I talked about the first three marketing skills: The world is moving a quick pace and you need to be able to be able to embrace change or accept your extinction. We talked the complexity ofRead More »What Marketing Skills Do You Need for 2021 and Beyond? Part 3

Four Things that are Scary for your Marketing

Reading Time: 4 minutes I don’t know about you but I have been getting in the Halloween spirit. At this time of year, I always pull out the horror movies in the hopes that I will scare myself silly. Since it’s only a couple days until Halloween I thought I would focus on the scary things that I’ve seen over the years. There are four things that I occasionally run into that I find kind of scary. They don’t scare me as The ExorcistRead More »Four Things that are Scary for your Marketing

Is Your Marketing Mindset Out Of Date?

Reading Time: 7 minutes If you’re like me, you spend a lot of time trying to learn, but what if the knowledge we have gained is wrong? I had an instructor who told me of a philosopher who said that we should find out all we can about a topic and then proceed as if we know nothing. Mind blown. This applies to the world around us. It’s not that what we’ve learned is wrong but that it’s no longer right as the worldRead More »Is Your Marketing Mindset Out Of Date?

Is All Awareness the Same?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Awareness is an important step on the journey to making a purchase. Without it out a prospect will never have the chance to become a customer.  Through conversations, I’ve found that awareness is usually what businesses are most concerned about.  However, the trap many fall into with awareness is that it is the most important step. If only they knew about your product surely they would buy it. Right?  Probably not. Awareness is just one step. It’s arguably not evenRead More »Is All Awareness the Same?

Why is Media Relations Important?

Reading Time: 4 minutes The has been much change in the media over the last 20 years. This is true of magazines and newspapers. If there is a print edition, there is most likely a website with the articles from the print edition plus additional content. That content could be specific to the website and/or archives of past stories. Television has also gone online. Whether it’s CNN, Fox, or your local station, content from newscasts plus specific digital content can be found on theRead More »Why is Media Relations Important?

Down with the Media Impression

Reading Time: 2 minutes I remember sitting in my first PR class. It was several weeks in and we were talking about measurement. There was a concept that was introduced to me called  the media impression. If there was a video of me during this discussion you would have seen my face develop an expression that can only be interpreted as incredulous. I had come back to school after working at one of the largest tech companies in the world. There was always aRead More »Down with the Media Impression